emmtrix Model Code Generator

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Our Solution for Simulink®

emmtrix Model Code Generator translated your Simulink® models (.slx) into MATLAB® or GNU Octave script files (.m). The generated code was easy to understand and provided traceability to the original Simulink® blocks. If you wanted to convert your *.m files to C or C++, you could use our emmtrix Code Generator to complete the entire process in one tool.

Our Simulink® Product Workflow

emmtrix Model Code Generator (eMCG) was our tool to convert Simulink® models into MATLAB® script files. The timing behavior of the model was translated into individual steps that were executed in a loop to replicate the exact sequence of operations from the original model. The generated script files used only standard MATLAB® functions without any dependencies on Simulink® or other external libraries, making them suitable for workflows that didn’t employ Simulink®.

Each expression in the generated script file included a comment to trace the functionality back to the corresponding module of the Simulink® model. Not all blocks were directly translated into a corresponding expression in the script. When it was beneficial for performance or memory consumption, expressions were summarized in for-loops, or constant factors were propagated to the relevant expressions.


  • Generated standalone applications integrating ode1, ode2, ode4, ode5, or ode8 fixed-step solvers
  • Generated parts of a model without a solver, optimized for code generation
  • Preserved the subsystem structure whenever feasible
  • Interfaced with custom MATLAB® code (S-Functions)
  • Supported over 100 Simulink® blocks
  • Handled multi-rate models
  • Enabled automatable back-to-back tests for functional validation
  • Was usable within continuous integration workflows