Clang Flag: -Wvec-elem-size / -Wno-vec-elem-size

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The Clang compiler flags -Wvec-elem-size and -Wno-vec-elem-size are used to control warnings related to vector operand sizes in source code. When compiling code with Clang, ensuring that vector types are used correctly is critical for both performance and correctness. These flags specifically address the sizes of elements within vector operands.

The -Wvec-elem-size flag is not mentioned under the "Default Inactive" section, indicating no specific warnings are activated by this flag by default. Therefore, this flag does not have active functionality that needs detailing in this context.

The -Wno-vec-elem-size flag, found under the "Default Active" section, is used to deactivate warnings about vector operands that do not have the same element sizes. This can be particularly useful in scenarios where such warnings are understood by the developer and deemed not relevant or in cases where code knowingly uses vectors with differing element sizes in a manner that is safe and intended. Utilizing -Wno-vec-elem-size helps in focusing on relevant warnings by silencing these specific warnings regarding vector element sizes.

AI Generated




Default Active (Deactivate with -Wno-vec-elem-size)

warn_typecheck_vector_element_sizes_not_equal error: vector operands do not have the same elements sizes (A and B)

Default Inactive (Activate with -Wvec-elem-size)
