Clang Flag: -Wreserved-module-identifier / -Wno-reserved-module-identifier

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This MediaWiki article describes the Clang compiler flags -Wreserved-module-identifier and -Wno-reserved-module-identifier, focusing on the context of their application during code compilation with the Clang compiler.

The flag -Wreserved-module-identifier is designed to issue warnings for module names that are reserved. However, it is noteworthy that this flag has no entries under the "Default Inactive" section, indicating that by default, it does not emit warnings for reserved module identifiers.

On the contrary, the flag -Wno-reserved-module-identifier is listed under the "Default Active" section. This indicates that Clang, by default, actively issues warnings when encountering reserved names for modules. The presence of this flag suggests that developers have the option to deactivate these warnings if needed, allowing for greater flexibility in handling reserved module names during compilation.

These flags are particularly relevant for developers working with modular programming in C and C++ using the Clang compiler, who need to ensure their module names do not conflict with reserved identifiers. Understanding the use of these flags can aid in maintaining best practices for naming conventions and avoiding potential issues with reserved identifiers during the compilation process.

AI Generated




Default Active (Deactivate with -Wno-reserved-module-identifier)

warn_reserved_module_name warning: A is a reserved name for a module

Default Inactive (Activate with -Wreserved-module-identifier)
