Category:Clang OpenMP Issue Category
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Pages in category "Clang OpenMP Issue Category"
The following 9 pages are in this category, out of 9 total.
- Clang error: the statement for 'atomic capture' must be a compound statement of form '{v = x; x binop= expr;}', '{x binop= expr; v = x;}', '{v = x; x = x binop expr;}', '{v = x; x = expr binop x;}', '{x = x binop expr; v = x;}', '{x = expr binop x; v = x;}' or '{v = x; x = expr;}', '{v = x; x++;}', '{v = x; ++x;}', '{++x; v = x;}', '{x++; v = x;}', '{v = x; x--;}', '{v = x; --x;}', '{--x; v = x;}', '{x--; v = x;}' where x is an lvalue expression with scalar type (err_omp_atomic_capture_not_compound_statement)
- Clang error: the statement for 'atomic capture' must be an expression statement of form 'v = ++x;', 'v = --x;', 'v = x++;', 'v = x--;', 'v = x binop= expr;', 'v = x = x binop expr' or 'v = x = expr binop x', where x and v are both lvalue expressions with scalar type (err_omp_atomic_capture_not_expression_statement)
- Clang error: the user condition in the OpenMP context selector needs to be constant; A is not (err_omp_declare_variant_user_condition_not_constant)